Energetic Energy Healing Reiki

Energetic Healing

Energetic Healing is a broad term that refers to manipulating the energy circuits in and around our body to shift stagnant or blocked energy from the body and bring you back to a state of balance.

When Human Beings feel, we emote by moving energy out the unconsciousness, through the body, and into the conscious mind. Life events and exposure to negative environments can interrupt the flow and vibrational quality of the energy system where I use a range of energetic techniques to tap in and rebalance these subtle energetic layers of the body.

I use meditation, mindfulness and breath work as part of my treatments, and incorporate tools such as crystals, crystal singing bowls, and Essential Oils to enhance the results. All of my techniques are non-invasive and safe to perform on people of all ages and gender (including pregnancy in the second and third trimester).

Energy Healing treatments are a sensory experience that can felt at varying levels and often induce conscious-mind insights. All treatments include a consultation with self-care wellness tips to support you in your daily life.

Treatments and techniques

  • Chakra Balance
  • Reiki Healing
  • RESET (jaw tension) technique
  • Hopi (vertebral spiral) technique
  • Crystal Singing Bowl Sound Healing

Book a treatment with Elese